Principal Designer/Brand Specialist


Michele Braverman

I started my career as a graphic design assistant for a small real estate design company, working evenings on the 8th floor of Carnegie Hall in NYC . During the day, I was a typesetter at nationally recognized annual report studio in Little Italy. I hand-cut type, designed charts and data tables on the back pages of financials, and ran time-sensitive print orders to midtown. On the weekends, I soaked in as much art and culture as possible before returning to Denver. All and all, a great way to spend my first year after graduating from Purdue.

Back in Colorado, I explored and refined my branding skills while working for several studios but it was my time at Volan Design Associates, a 30-person product development and graphic design company in Boulder that led to a huge leap in my career. And after eight years as creative director, I decided to start my own business, BraveStudio. With purposeful pursuit, I have established longterm relationships with clients whose branding requirements continue to develop and extend their reach, while crafting new campaigns that innovate unique offerings.

So now with over 20+ years of brand management expertise, my joy is translating client marketing strategy into comprehensive initiatives that heightens any branding opportunity.


Branding for new startups